Energy Saving


We create solutions to conserve energy across our own facilities and our customers’ homes and businesses. 
By helping to minimize energy consumption, we actively contribute to reducing carbon emissions across our value chain.

Featured initiatives
for the reduction of energy consumption

Renewable Resource Energy

To achieve our Scope 1 and 2 emissions target within the business we only use 100% green electricity from our supplier, so the electricity only comes from renewable sources such as solar or wind. We aim to run our facilities in the most ecological way we can, it is important we partner with suppliers that that align with our sustainability ambitions and strategy and help us to positively make a difference.

Everyday Employee Actions 

We actively encourage all our staff to be more sustainability minded even if it is by taking really simple steps. An example of this is the implementation of Turn Off stickers for equipment that doesn’t need to be left on. One of the easiest ways to save energy is to switch things off when not in use, particularly lights, so these stickers identify what can be turned off when staff go home and act as a visual reminder.

Operational Energy Efficiencies

Our Energy Team on site review energy usage, monitor consumption, create awareness and generate ideas on how to save energy. We have conducted energy surveys and mapped all electricity consumption per piece of equipment to understand where our improvement opportunities are and have developed a roadmap of projects that will reduce the amount of gas and electricity used on site. Such projects look at improvements to lighting – installing  and upgrading LED lights to include motion sensors and luminosity controls;  heating control systems to ensure efficient use of heating and temperature control and optimising manufacturing equipment.